
  1. Noun.  A large pile of hay, grain, straw, or the like, larger at the bottom than the top, sometimes covered with thatch.
  2. Noun.  A pile of similar objects, each directly on top of the last.
  3. Noun.  A pile of poles or wood, indefinite in quantity.
  4. Noun.  A pile of wood containing 108 cubic feet. (~3 m³).
  5. Noun.  A smokestack.
  6. Noun.  (computing) A linear data structure in which the last datum stored is the first retrieved; a LIFO queue.
  7. Noun.  (computing) A portion of computer memory occupied by a '''stack''' data structure, particularly ('''the stack''') that portion of main memory manipulated during machine language procedure call related instructions.
  8. Noun.  (geology) A coastal landform, consisting of a large vertical column of rock in the sea.
  9. Noun.  (context, library) Compactly spaced bookshelves used to house large collections of books.
  10. Noun.  (figuratively) A large amount of an object.
  11. Noun.  (military) A pile of rifles or muskets in a cone shape.
  12. Noun.  (poker) The amount of money a player has on the table.
  13. Noun.  (architecture) A vertical drain pipe.
  14. Noun.  (Australia) (slang) A fall or crash, a prang.
  15. Verb.  (transitive) To arrange in a stack, or to add to an existing stack.
  16. Verb.  (transitive) (card games) To arrange the cards in a deck in a particular manner.
  17. Verb.  (transitive) (poker) To take all the money another player currently has on the table.
  18. Verb.  (transitive) To deliberately distort the composition of (an assembly, committee, etc.).
  19. Verb.  (transitive) (Australia) (slang) To fall or crash.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.