
  1. Adjective.  Generally warm, approachable and easy to relate with in character.
  2. Adjective.  Inviting, characteristic of friendliness.
  3. Adjective.  Having an easy relationship with something, as in user-friendly etc.
  4. Adjective.  Without any hostility, as in friendly competition.
  5. Adjective.  (military) Of or pertaining to friendlies (''friendly'' noun sense 2, below). Also applied to other bipolar confrontations, such as team sports.
  6. Adverb.  (context, now) In a friendly manner, like a friend.
  7. Noun.  (sport) A game which is of no consequence in terms of ranking, betting etc.
  8. Noun.  Person or entity on the same side of a conflict.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.