
  1. Adjective.  (Of a businessperson or company) adhering to principles of ethical and responsible conduct when interacting with society.
  2. Adjective.  Of business conduct in accordance with Adam Smith's dictum that "''Markets could not flourish without a strong underlying moral culture, animated by empathy and Fellow-feeling, by our ability to understand our common bond as human beings and to recognize the needs of others''.".
  3. Adjective.  Of a businessperson or business whose actions have contributed to the building of trust, stability and peace, in accordance with the criteria of the Oslo-based Business for Peace Foundation. The word 'businessworthy' has been coined by the foundation, to describe businesspersons or businesses looking beyond being creditworthy to exploring how they can reconnect business with society to mutual gain.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.