
  1. Noun.  (context, countable) A hobbyist who experiments with DNA and other aspects of genetics.Katz, J.S.: "Roses are Black, Violets are Green", ''New Scientist'', 6 January, 1990Katz, J.S.: "That which is not Forbidden is Mandatory", BioTech Educ'', 4(1), 1990.
  2. Noun.  (context, uncountable) A techno-progressive movement advocating open access to genetic information.(cite paper, author [[w:Annalee Newitz) (cite paper, author Newitz, Annalee) .
  3. Noun.  (context, uncountable) A science fiction genre that focuses on biotechnology and subversives.(cite paper, author Quinion, Michael) .

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.