1. Initialism.  significant other.
  2. Initialism.  (sports) shut out.
  3. Initialism.  (baseball) strike out.
  4. Initialism.  (music) symphony orchestra.
  5. Abbreviation.  someone.
  6. (abbreviation) .  (alternative form of, So.) .
  7. Proper noun.  A Mon-Khmer-speaking people of Laos and Thailand.
  8. Conjunction.  In order that.
  9. Conjunction.  With the result that; for that reason; therefore.
  10. Adverb.  Very.
  11. Adverb.  To a particular extent.
  12. Adverb.  In a particular manner.
  13. Adverb.  In the same manner or to the same extent as aforementioned.
  14. Adverb.  (rft-sense) Also: in addition.
  15. Adverb.  (slang, chiefly) Very much.
  16. Adjective.  true.
  17. Adjective.  In that state, with that attribute. Replaces the aforementioned adjective phrase.
  18. Adjective.  (context, dated) homosexual.
  19. Interjection.  Used after a pause for thought to introduce a new topic, question or story.
  20. Interjection.  Shortened form of "So what?".
  21. Noun.  (music) A syllable used in solfège to represent the fifth note of a major scale.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.