1. (initialism) .  ''planed all round'' (timber - meaning planed on all sides as opposed to rough sawn).
  2. (initialism) .  periodic automatic replenishment (inventory control - meaning fixed quantity of an item that must be kept on hand to support daily operations).
  3. Proper noun.  the name of a town and beach near St Austell in Cornwall.
  4. (abbreviation) .  paragraph.
  5. (abbreviation) .  parallel.
  6. (abbreviation) .  parenthesis.
  7. (abbreviation) .  parish.
  8. Preposition.  By; with.
  9. Noun.  Equal value; equality of nominal and actual value; the value expressed on the face or in the words of a certificate of value, as a bond or other commercial paper.
  10. Noun.  Equality of condition or circumstances.
  11. Noun.  (golf, mostly uncountable) The allotted number of strokes to reach the hole.
  12. Noun.  (golf, countable) A hole in which a player achieves par.
  13. Noun.  Young salmon (qualifier, also spelled parr) .
  14. Verb.  (transitive, golf) To reach the hole in the allotted number of strokes.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.