
  1. Proper noun.  A surname.
  2. Noun.  An aquatic bird of the family Anatidae, having a flat bill and webbed feet.
  3. Noun.  ''Specifically'', an adult female duck; ''contrasted with'' drake ''and with'' duckling.
  4. Noun.  The flesh of a duck used as food.
  5. Noun.  (cricket) A batsman's score of zero after getting out. (short for duck's egg, since the digit "0" is round like an egg.).
  6. Noun.  A term of endearment .
  7. Noun.  (British, chiefly) Dear, Mate (informal way of addressing a friend or stranger).
  8. Noun.  (slang) A playing card with the rank of two.
  9. Noun.  A partly-flooded cave passage with limited air space.
  10. Noun.  A building intentionally constructed in the shape of an everyday object to which it is related.
  11. Noun.  A marble to be shot at with another marble (the shooter) in children's games.
  12. Noun.  A tightly-woven cotton fabric used as sailcloth.
  13. Verb.  (intransitive) To lower the head or body in order to prevent it from being struck by something.
  14. Verb.  (transitive) To lower (something) into water.
  15. Verb.  (transitive) To lower (the head) in order to prevent it from being struck by something.
  16. Verb.  (transitive) To try to evade doing something.
  17. Verb.  (transitive) To lower the volume of (a sound) so that other sounds in the mix can be heard more clearly.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.