
  1. Proper noun.  The area, properly called Southwark, just south of London Bridge.
  2. Noun.  (obsolete) A fortified town; a town or city.
  3. Noun.  A town having a municipal corporation and certain traditional rights.
  4. Noun.  An administrative district in some cities, e.g., London.
  5. Noun.  An administrative unit of a city which, under most circumstances according to state or national law, would be considered a larger or more powerful entity; most commonly used in American English to define the five counties that make up New York City.
  6. Noun.  Other similar administrative units in cities and states in various parts of the world.
  7. Noun.  A district in Alaska having powers similar to a county.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.