
  1. Noun.  (soccer) someone connected with Sheffield United Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc.
  2. Noun.  The sharp cutting edge of a knife, chisel, or other tool, a razor blade.
  3. Noun.  The flat functional end of a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, skate, etc.
  4. Noun.  The narrow leaf of a grass or cereal.
  5. Noun.  (botany) The thin, flat part of a plant leaf, attached to a stem (petiole). The lamina.
  6. Noun.  A flat bone, especially the shoulder blade.
  7. Noun.  A cut of beef from near the shoulder blade (part of the chuck).
  8. Noun.  The flat part of the tongue.
  9. Noun.  (poetic) A sword or knife.
  10. Noun.  (archaeology) A piece of prepared, sharp-edged stone, often flint, at least twice as long as it is wide; a long flake of ground-edge stone or knapped vitreous stone.
  11. Noun.  (context, ultimate frisbee) A throw characterized by a tight parabolic trajectory due to a steep lateral attitude.
  12. Noun.  (context, sailing) The rudder, daggerboard, or centerboard of a vessel.
  13. Noun.  A bulldozer or surface-grading machine with mechanically adjustable blade that is nominally perpendicular to the forward motion of the vehicle.
  14. Noun.  (dated) A dashing young man.
  15. Noun.  (slang, chiefly) A homosexual, usually male.
  16. Noun.  Thin plate, foil.
  17. Verb.  (informal) To skate on rollerblades.

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This entry was last updated on RefTopia from its source on 3/20/2012.